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Sex Trafficking Prevention

Sex trafficking is arguably one of the most vicious social practices in the history of humankind. Girls everywhere are constantly being targeted at younger and younger ages, being robbed of not only their childhood, but of their health, well-being, and safety as well. The sex trade industry has become a globalized operation, and brings in billions of dollars of revenue each year for the perpetrators.

Sex traffickers are known to use a variety of methods to lure their victims in and gain control over them. These methods might include psychological manipulation, threats, rape, fear, deceit, abduction, degradation, violence, and torture. There is a very broad spectrum in the demographics of those people purchasing young girls for sex, spanning from boys as young as teenagers to older men in their 70s, and married men with children, from all races and ethnicities. Many of these men are found to be business owners, doctors, lawyers, politicians, officers of the law, and even school teachers. The victims of the sex trade industry come from all races, nationalities, and backgrounds. However, the risk of oppression and being sold into the trafficking reign becomes exponentially higher when you are a young female who has suffered from prior abuse, are a racial minority, and come from a broken home or hard socioeconomic conditions.

With all of that being said, no one is safe. Sex trafficking has had a ubiquitous influence on communities everywhere, so we ALL must work together to be a part of the fight and the solution to keep these girls safe. With the Young Generation Movement, we hope you can join our courageous efforts to end this struggle by our rising star program. Contact us today to find out how you can help.

Sex Trafficking Statistics in Atlanta

Georgia Governor’s Office for Children and Families

  • Atlanta was named by the FBI as one of 14 US cities with the highest rate of children used in prostitution

The Schapiro Group Georgia Demand Study

  • In Georgia, 12,400 men purchase sex with young women in a given month; more than 27,000 men purchase sex with young women in Georgia more than once per year.

  • Approximately 100 adolescent females are sexually exploited each night in Georgia

  • In Georgia, adolescent females controlled by the child sex trafficking trade are sexually exploited by an adult male on an average of three times per night.

  • 42% of men who buy sex either seek out young girls, or are willing to disregard all signs that the woman they are about to have sex with is an adolescent

Bureau of Justice Statistics

  • Federal law enforcement task forces opened 2,515 investigations into suspected human trafficking incidents between January 2008 and June 2010 of these investigations, 8 in 10 were classified as sex trafficking

  • 82.1% of victims in sex trafficking incidents were identified as US citizens

  • 40.4% of all suspected trafficking incidents were child-related and classified as “prostitution or sexual exploitation of a child”

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